
  General purpose of this list is to provide the Amiga Community with
  information about every possible "PROJECT" (2) associated with this
  wonderful computer. That way, you (Amiga users) can contact the
  "PROJECT" immediately and :

   - request misc information
   - send thanks/(b|f)lames (i hope not the second)
   - send corrections/additions/suggestions/improvements/comments
   - get informed about various products
   - exchange opinions

  and many more i can't even think of.

  (2) : The word "PROJECT" used here, refers to numbers 1 - 10
        mentioned in introduction, and DOESN'T try to "underestimate"
        anyone of you.  Therefore it has nothing to do with the field
        "Projects :" used in the actual list.

                     -  HELP THE AMIGA COMMUNITY GROW -


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